Maximilian Adler

M.Sc. Maximilian Adler
Max Adler has been a research fellow and lecturer at the chair since April 2020. He completed both his bachelor's and master's degree at OVGU Magdeburg, the latter with a focus on environmental psychology/human-technology interaction. In his previous research work, his bachelor and master thesis dealt with the Campbell Paradigm as an explanation of pro-environmental behaviour. His current research interests include the study of behavioral spillover as a consequence of attitude change and cognitive dissonance from the perspective of the Campbell paradigm. Additionally he has an interest in Open Science and measurement theory.
In addition to his research activities, Max is - formerly a very active - member of the PsyFaKo e.V. (conference of psychology faculties), the IPU e.V. (Initiative for Psychology in Environmental Protection) and Scientists4Future. He also completed training as a mediator and is working on participatory processes in environmental policy.
Trentinaglia, M. T., Adler, M. , Peri, M. , Panzone, L. , & Baldi, L. (2024). Exploring intergenerational differences in consumer acceptance of insects-fed farmed fish. Food Quality and Preference, 117, 105165. |
Taube, O., Kibbe, A., Vetter, M., Adler, M., & Kaiser, F. G. (2018). Applying the Campbell Paradigm to sustainable travel behavior: Compensatory effects of environmental attitude and the transportation environment. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 56, 392-407. |