On the Master Environmental Psychology/Human-Machine-Interaction

Since the winter semester of 2011/ 2012, the institute for psychology at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg offers the possibility to earn a master's degree in psychology (M. Sc.) with a focus on environmental psychology/ human-technology interaction ("Umweltpsychologie/ Mensch-Technik-Interaktion"). The Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg is the only university in Germany to offer a psychologie master's program with an environmental focus.

This master's program offers a broad education and introduces a variety of professional perspectives in different areas of application, e.g., consulting, research institutes or public administration. The interaction between humans and their surrounding environments plays a central role in environmental psychological research and education. All classes are held in German.

Applications for the master's program in psychology need to send to the Dezernat für Studienangelegenheiten (Department of Academic Affairs) until mid-July. If you are a student from any other country than Germany, there is no deadline you have to pay attention to. The master's program starts each year in winter and admission is locally restricted to 20 students per semester. For further information please check out the German website.

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