Ronja Gerdes

MSc. Ronja Gerdes
Ronja Gerdes started working as a research assistant at the Personality and Social Psychology Division in October 2019. She studied psychology at the Technische Universität Braunschweig and worked as a student research assistant at the Division of Industrial/Organizational and Social Psychology at TU Braunschweig. In her master’s thesis, she investigated conspiracy beliefs in Eastern and Western Germany. Her research focus is on the acceptance of environmental policies.
Gerdes, R. & Kaiser, F. G. (2024). Die Kluft zwischen Dringlichkeit und Umsetzbarkeit der Klimapolitik – am Beispiel des CO2-Preises [The gap between urgency and practicability in climate policy - the CO2-price example]. In-Mind, Issue 1, Article 4. |
Gerdes, R., Bauske, E. & Kaiser, F. G. (2023). A general explanation for environmental policy support: An example using carbon taxation approval in Germany. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 90, 102066. |
Gerdes, R., Kaiser, F. G. & König, F. (2023). Supporting and expressing support for environmental policies. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 87, 101997. |