Florian G. Kaiser on Wikipedia:
Department assistance:
Jana Dorsch
Building 24 - Room 306
Tel.: +49 391-6758470
Fax: +49 391-6741963
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Universitätsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg
General Ecological Behavior (GEB) scale, a measurement instrument to assess self-reported pro-environmental behavior (e. g. Kaiser & Wilson, 2004) and environmental attitude (e. g. Kaiser, Hartig, Brügger & Duvier, 2013), respectively.
You can find the up-to-date version of the GEB here.
The GEB in the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) Open Test Archive.
An R script to analyze GEB data is available here.
This script can be adapted to other data sets.
Please report any errors and problems to GEB@ovgu.de.
General Health Behavior (GHB) scale, a measurement instrument to assess self-reported health behavior and health attitude, respectively (Byrka & Kaiser, 2013).
You can find the up-to-date version of the GHB here.
The GHB in the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) Open Test Archive.
An R script to analyze GHB data is available here.
This script can be adapted to other data sets.
Please report any errors and problems to GEB@ovgu.de.