Lena Kuczka
Personal Details:
Born 1997 in Krefeld
2022-present: PhD Student / Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Department of Neuropsychology, OVGU Magdeburg
PhD Topic: "Cholinergic modulation of cingulo-hippocampal mechanisms underlying cognitive control, novelty detection and memory" (RTG 2413 SynAGE, TPE3)
2019 - 2022: MSc Cognitive Neuropsychology, University of Oldenburg
Master's Thesis Topic: "Individualizing tACS Montages in Healthy and Lesioned Brains for Potential Applications in Stroke Rehabilitation"
2016 - 2019: BSc Psychology, University of Rotterdam
Bachelor's Thesis Topic: "Long-term Benefits of Serotonergic Psychedelic Therapy: The Role of Ego Dissolution Experiences"
Research interests:
- The interaction and role of different neurotransmitter systems for cognitive control and memory
- Face memory and prosopagnosia
- Simulation of electrical stimulation in 3D brain models
- Automated MRI image segmentation and lesion identification methods