Siegmar Otto

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Siegmar Otto

P.O. Box 4120, Bldg.24, R307


Otto, S., Pensini, P., Zabel, S., Diaz-Siefer, P., Burnham, E., Navarro-Villarroel, C., et al. (2021). The prosocial origin of sustainable behavior: A case study in the ecological domain. Global Environmental Change, 69, 102312.

Otto, S., Hildebrandt, J., Will, M., Henn, L., & Beer, K. (2021). Tying up loose ends. Integrating consumers’ psychology into a broad interdisciplinary perspective on a circular sustainable bioeconomy. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 34(2), Article 8.

Neaman, A., Díaz-Siefer, P., Burnham, E., Castro, M., Zabel, S., Dovletyarova, E. A., Navarro-Villarroel, C., Otto, S. (2021). Catholic religious identity, prosocial and pro-environmental behaviors, and connectedness to nature in Chile. GAIA, 30(1).

Masson, T., & Otto, S. (2021). Explaining the difference between the predictive power of value orientations and self-determined motivation for proenvironmental behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 101555.

Otto, S., Beer, K., Henn, L., & Overbeck, A. (2021). Das Individuum in der nachhaltigen Wirtschaft: Konsum in digitalen, algorithmenbasierten Entscheidungsarchitekturen. In A. Matheis & C. Schwender (Eds.), Als gäbe es ein Morgen – Nachhaltigkeit wollen, sollen, können (pp. 409-426). Marburg, Germany: Metropolis.

Henn, L., Otto, S., & Kaiser, F. G. (2020). Positive spillover: The result of attitude change. Journal of Environmental Psychology 69, 101429.

Otto, S., Körner, F., Marschke, B. A., Merten, M. J., Brandt, S., Sotiriou, S., et al. (2020). Deeper learning as integrated knowledge and fascination for science. International Journal of Science Education, 1-28.

Evans, G., Otto, S., Kaiser, F. G., (2018). Childhood Origins of Young Adult Environmental Behavior. Psychological Science, 29, 679-687.

Geiger, S. M., Otto, S., & Schrader, U. (2018). Mindfully Green and Healthy: An Indirect Path from Mindfulness to Ecological Behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(2306).

Neaman, A., Otto, S., & Vinokur, E. (2018). Toward an integrated approach to environmental and prosocial education. Sustainability, 10, 583.

Otto, S., Kröhne, U., & Richter, D. (2018). The dominance of introspective measures and what this implies: The example of environmental attitude. PLOS ONE, 13(2), e0192907.

Otto, S., & Wittenberg, I. (2018). Technology and Motives: The Challenge of Energy Consumption Behavior. In C. Büscher, J. Schippl & P. Sumpf (Eds.), Energy as Sociotechnical Problem – An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Control, Change, and Action in Energy Transitions. (pp. 221 - 242). London: Routledge.

Schaal, S., Otto, S., Schaal, S., & Lude, A. (2018). Game-related enjoyment or personal pre-requisites – which is the crucial factor when using geogames to encourage adolescents to value local biodiversity. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 1-14.

Otto, S., & Pensini, P. (2017). Nature-based environmental education of children: Environmental knowledge and connectedness to nature, together, are related to ecological behaviour. Global Environmental Change, 47, 88-94.

Trepte, S., Loy, L., Schmitt, J. B., & Otto, S. (2017). Hohenheimer Inventar zum Politikwissen (HIP) [Hohenheim Inventory of Political Knowledge (HIP)]. Diagnostica, 63, 206-218.

Brügger, A., & Otto, S. (2017). Naturbewusstsein psychologisch: Was ist Naturbewusstsein, wie misst man es und wie wirkt es auf Umweltschutzverhalten [The psychology of concern for nature: Its definition, measurement and effect on ecological behavior]? In J. Rückert-John (Ed.), Gesellschaftliche Naturkonzeptionen. Ansätze verschiedener Wissenschaftsdisziplinen [Societal conceptions of nature. Approaches of different scientific disciplines] (pp. 215-237). Heidelberg: Springer.

Hentschke, L., Kibbe, A., & Otto, S. (2017). Geld in der Psychologie: Vom Homo oeconomicus zum Homo sufficiensis [Money and psychology: From Homo oeconomicus to Homo sufficiensis]. In S. Peters (Ed.), Geld: Interdisziplinäre Sichtweisen [Money: Interdisciplinary perspectives] (pp. 97-117). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer.

Kibbe, A., & Otto, S. (2017). Recycling 2.0 - Feldstudien zur Untersuchung psychologischer Determinanten von Elektroaltgeräterecycling [Recycling 2.0 - Field study on the psychological determinants of old electronic appliances recycling behavior]. In K. J. Thomé-Kozmiensky & D. Goldmann (Eds.), Recycling und Rohstoffe, Band 10 [Recycling and Resources, Volume 10] (pp. 507-513). Neuruppin, Germany: TK Verlag Karl Thomé-Kozmiensky.

Milfont, T. L., P. G. Bain, Y. Kashima, V. Corral-Verdugo, C. Pasquali, L.-O. Johansson, Y. Guan, V. V. Gouveia, R. B. Gararsdottir, G. Doron, M. Bilewicz, A. Utsugi, J. I. Aragones, L. Steg, M. Soland, J. Park, S. Otto, C. Demarque, C. Wagner, O. J. Madsen, N. Lebedeva, R. Gonzalez, P. W. Schultz, J. L. Saiz, T. Kurz, R. Gifford, C. S. Akotia, N. M. Saviolidis and G. Einarsdottir (2017). On the Relation Between Social Dominance Orientation and Environmentalism: A 25-nation study. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1-13.

Otto, S., Neaman, A., Richards, B., & Marió, A. (2016). Explaining the ambiguous relations between income, environmental knowledge, and environmentally significant behavior. Society & Natural Resources, 29, 628-632.

Bain, P. G., Milfont, T. L., Kashima, Y., Bilewicz, M., Doron, G., Garðarsdóttir, R. B., Gouveia, V. V., Guan, Y., Johansson, L., Pasquali, C., Corral-Verdugo, V., Aragones, J. I., Utsugi, A., Demarque, C., Otto, S., Park, J., Soland, M., Steg, L., González, R., Lebedeva, N., Madsen, O. J., Wagner, C., Akotia, C. S., Kurz, T., Saiz, J. L., Schultz, P. W., Einarsdóttir, G., & Saviolidis, N. M. (2015). Co-benefits of addressing climate change can motivate action around the world. [Letter]. Nature Climate Change, 6(2), 154-157.

Bortoleto, A. P., & Otto, S. (2015). The effect of improved waste management: Material rebound and its causes. In A. P. Bortoleto (Ed.), Waste prevention policy and behaviour: New approaches to reducing waste generation and its environmental impacts (pp. 155-167). London: Routledge.

Díaz-Siefer, P., Neaman, A., Salgado, E., Celis-Diez, J. L., & Otto, S. (2015). Human-environment system knowledge: A correlate of pro-environmental behavior. Sustainability, 7, 15510-15526.

Kaiser, F. G., Otto, S., & Schuler, J. (2015). Prosocial propensity bias in experimental research on helping behavior: The proposition of a discomforting hypothesis. Comprehensive Psychology, (4)1, Article 11.

Otto, S., Henn, L., Arnold, O., & Kibbe, A. (2015). Die Psychologie des Recyclingverhaltens [Psychology of recycling behavior]. In K. J. Thomé-Kozmiensky & D. Goldmann (Eds.), Recycling und Rohstoffe, Band 8 [Recycling and Resources, Vol. 8] (pp. 135-147). Neuruppin, Germany: TK Verlag Karl Thomé-Kozmiensky.

Geiger, S. M., Otto, S., & Diaz, J. S. (2014). A diagnostic environmental knowledge scale for Latin America [Escala diagnostica de conocimientos ambientales para Latinoamérica]. Psyecology, 5, 1-36.

Kaiser, F. G., Arnold, O., & Otto, S. (2014). Attitudes and defaults save lives and protect the environment jointly and compensatorily: Understanding the behavioral efficacy of nudges and other structural interventions. Behavioral Sciences, 4, 202-212.

Otto, S., Arnold, O., & Kaiser, F. G. (2014). Rebound. Wieso Energieeffizienz ohne suffiziente Lebensstile nicht zur Reduktion des gesellschaftlichen Energieverbrauchs führt [Rebound. Reasons why energy efficiency does not reduce societal energy consumption without sufficient life styles]. In F. Steger (Ed.), Ethik und Praxis. Bedroht Entscheidungsfreiheit Gesundheit und Nachhaltigkeit? [Ethics and practice. Does freedom of choice threaten sustainability?] (pp. 115-136). Muenster, Germany: Mentis.

Otto, S., & Kaiser, F. G. (2014). Ecological behavior across the lifespan: Why environmentalism increases as people grow older. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 40, 331-338.

Otto, S., Kaiser, F. G., & Arnold, O. (2014). The critical challenge of climate change for psychology: Preventing rebound and promoting more individual irrationality. European Psychologist, 19, 96-106.

Arnold, O., & Otto, S. (2013). Die Psychologie spielt bei der Energiewende eine entscheidende Rolle [Psychology's central role in the transition of energy systems]. GAIA, 22, 65-66.

Otto, S., Scholl, G., & Gebhard, M. (2011). Evaluation des Utopia City-Guides [Evaluation of the Utopia City-Guide]. Oekologisches Wirtschaften, 2011(4), 18-20.

Weiß, J., & Otto, S. (2011). Aktiv werden für Energieeffizienz – Leitfaden für Betriebsräte und Beschäftigte [Active for energy efficiency – Guide for work council and personnel]. Berlin, Germany: Institut fuer oekologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IOEW).

Otto, S. (2010). Public perception of sustainable development. What means sustainability and sustainable development? Oekologisches Wirtschaften, 2010(4), 35-38.

Otto, S. (2010). Was bedeuten die Begriffe nachhaltige Entwicklung und Nachhaltigkeit? [The meaning of sustainable development and sustainability] Saarbruecken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller.

Schwender, C., Mocigemba, D., Otto, S., & Kreeb, M. (2009). Nachhaltigkeitsorientierte TV-Sendungen–(k) eine Strategie zur Senkung der Haushalts-Reichweite von TV-Sendungen? [Sustainability-focused TV: A strategy with a negative impact on viewer ratings of TV programs?] Umweltwirtschaftsforum, 17, 135-142.

Otto, S. (2008). Nachhaltige Entwicklung – systemtheoretisch und systemempirisch [Sustainable development in terms of systems theory and empirically]. In C. Schwender (Eds.), Medialisierung der Nachhaltigkeit [Mediatization of sustainability] (pp. 49-96). Marburg, Germany: Metropolis.

Otto, S., Schwender, C., & Mocigemba, D. (2008). Nachhaltigkeit in der Wahrnehmung der Printmedien: Diachrone und synchrone Analysen [Sustainability in the perception of the press: Diachronic and synchronic analysis]. In C. Schwender (Eds.), Medialisierung der Nachhaltigkeit [Mediatization of sustainability] (pp. 197-220). Marburg, Germany: Metropolis.

Schwender, C., Mocigemba, D., & Otto, S. (2008). Der Ecotainment-Index zur Messung der kognitiv-emotionalen Beteiligung an TV-Beiträgen [The ecotainment-index as a measure of the cognitive and emotional involvement in TV programs]. In C. Schwender (Ed.), Medialisierung der Nachhaltigkeit [Mediatization of sustainability] (pp. 123-148). Marburg, Germany: Metropolis.

Schwender, C., Mocigemba, D., Otto, S., & Kreeb, M. (2008). Nachhaltigkeit im Fernsehen – (k)ein Quotenkiller? [Sustainability on Television - A killer of viewer ratings?] In C. Schwender (Ed.), Medialisierung der Nachhaltigkeit [Mediatization of sustainability] (pp. 243-258). Marburg, Germany: Metropolis.

Schwender, C., Mocigemba, D., Otto, S., & Kreeb, M. (2008). Nachhaltigkeit im TV - ein Quotenkiller? [Sustainability on TV - A killer of viewer ratings?] In J. Raabe, R. Stoeber, A. M. T. Berglmair & K. Wied (Eds.), Medien und Kommunikation in der Wissenschaft [Media and communication in science] (pp. 238-252). Konstanz, Germany: UVK.

Siewert, S., & Otto, S. (2008). Nachhaltiger Konsum - (K)ein Thema für die deutsche Presse? Mediengerechte Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation am Beispiel der Informationskampagne „Echt gerecht. Clever kaufen“ [Sustainable consumption - A topic for the German press? Communication of sustainable development on the example of the information campaign "Fair and clever shoping"]. In C. Schwender (Ed.), Medialisierung der Nachhaltigkeit [Mediatization of sustainability] (pp. 375-412). Marburg, Germany: Metropolis.

Otto, S., & Voelpel, S. (2007). Demografischer Wandel in der Wirtschaft. Warum Unternehmen ältere Arbeitnehmer brauchen [Demographic change in the economy. Why companies need older employees]. Oekologisches Wirtschaften, 2007(4), 12-13.

Otto, S. (2007). Bedeutung und Verwendung der Begriffe nachhaltige Entwicklung und Nachhaltigkeit. Eine empirische Studie [The meaning and use of the terms sustainable development and sustainability. An empirical study]. Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany.

Schwender, C., Mocigemba, D., & Otto, S. (2007). Der Ecotainment-Index zur Messung der kognitiv-emotionalen Beteiligung an TV-Beiträgen [The ecotainment-index as a measure of cognitive and emotional involvement in TV programs]. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 19, 46-57.

Last Modification: 07.07.2022 - Contact Person: Siegmar Otto