Anne Overbeck

Research Assistant, Ph. D. Student

P.O. Box 4120, 39106, Magdeburg, Bldg.24, R323

Anne Overbeck is a member of the Division of Personality and Social Psychology at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg since January 2019. She works in the project "Use-oriented development of an Outcome-Indicator-Test for assessment and operationalisation of student's competencies in Education for Sustainable Development in Germany“, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Anne has studies psychology at Mannheim University (B.Sc.) and later continued her studies here at Magdeburg University (M.Sc. Focus on "Environmental Psychology") her main scientific interests are Sustainability, Personality-Psychology and Political Participation.

In her Ph.D. studies, Anne concentrates her research on the determinants of environmental activism.


since 01/2019
Research assistant and Ph.D. student at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Institute for Psychology, Division of  Personality and Social Psychology, Project OIT-BNE („Use-oriented development of an Outcome-Indicator-Test for assessment and operationalisation of student's competencies in Education for Sustainable Development in Germany").

Master of Science, Psychology, Focus 'Environmental Psychology’ at Magdeburg University.
Thesis: "Motivation for political Participation - Construction of a Psychological Scale within the Framework of the Campbell Paradigm"

Bachelor of Science, Psychology, at Mannheim University.
Thesis: „Our personal Heritage: Influence of Personality Differences on Decisions in Intergenerational Dilemma Situations”



Otto, S., Beer, K., Henn, L., & Overbeck, A. (2021). Das Individuum in der nachhaltigen Wirtschaft: Konsum in digitalen, algorithmenbasierten Entscheidungsarchitekturen. In A. Matheis & C. Schwender (Eds.), Als gäbe es ein Morgen – Nachhaltigkeit wollen, sollen, können (pp. 409-426). Marburg, Germany: Metropolis.

Overbeck, A. K., & Kibbe, A. (2020). Decoding activism: Examining the influence of environmental attitude and proactivity on environmental activism. Umweltpsychologie, 24(1), 183–190.

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