Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

IAAP verleiht Prof. Kaiser Fellow Status

25.11.2018 -

Die International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) hat Prof. Dr. Florian Kaiser den Fellow Status verliehen in Anerkennung seines wissenschaftlichen Beitrags zur Angewandten Psychologie.



IAAP Fellowship

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Vortrag in Kiel: "Neue Fakten oder bestehende Einstellungen: Was bestimmt unsere Meinungen (z.B. zum Klimawandel)?"

17.12.2018 -

Prof. Florian Kaiser wird am 21.02.2019 im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung „Wissenschaft und alternative Fakten“ an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel einen Vortrag halten. Im 30-minütigen Vortrag geht es um "Neue Fakten oder bestehende Einstellungen: Was bestimmt unsere Meinungen (z.B. zum Klimawandel)?" und im Anschluss wird der Raum für Gespräche, eigene Gedanken und Fragen eröffnet. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich zu der kostenfreien Veranstaltungsreihe eingeladen! Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.

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Neue Publikation: Supporting and expressing support for environmental policies

12.04.2023 -

Available free of charge at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.101997


Kaiser, F. G., Gerdes, R. & König, F. (2023). Supporting and expressing support for environmental policies. Journal of Environmental Psycholo­gy, 87, 101997.



People engage in all kinds of behaviors because they aim to protect the environment. Among other actions, such behaviors involve supporting and expressing support for environmental policies. In this article, we investigated two forces that control people's environmental policy support: their commitment to protecting the environment (conceptually speaking, people's environmental attitudes) and the corollaries of a policy (i.e., policy-specific costs) that need to be offset by an individual's environmental attitude. We surveyed two convenience samples (N1 = 248; N2 = 176) on their support for a whole array of different environmental policies that came with various costly corollaries and, more specifically, for a range of CO2 taxes. We found that verbal expressions of support for environmental policies reflect people's environmental attitudes, and we subsequently corroborated this finding in a preregistered replication (N = 450). Fittingly, we also found that people who express support for higher CO2 taxes hold progressively stronger environmental attitudes.



-Citizens' support for effective environmental policies is crucial in democracies.

-Expressing support for a policy is behavior aimed at protecting the environment.

-Environmental policy support is controlled by a person's environmental attitude.

-Support is also controlled by the costs that accompany a specific policy.

-Only a populace with strong environmental attitudes supports effective policies.

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Letzte Änderung: 13.03.2024 - Ansprechpartner: